Hi Everyone!
Yes, I know, I haven't done a live show now in quite sometime. After some careful thought, along with all the projects I am working on, I will be bringing back Unfiltered after Labor Day weekend with more focused and entertaining topics and of course with your feedback, I would love to know what topics you would love for me to speak on.
But....here's the catch and this is where I need your help.
I can continue doing Unfiltered on Blog Talk Radio OR now with investment on streaming, I can actually do a video stream live on YouTube.
What are your thoughts? Would you be interested in seeing a video format as oppose to listening?
I set up a voting poll on the Get Interviewed link https://www.marabelleblueunfiltered.com/get-interviewed and also the image on top will link to the "get interviewed" page.
I would love to know your thoughts.
Please share and as always, please support. There are SO MANY things happening here, lots of top secret launches, if you love to help, please hit up my cashapp $marabelleblue or Venmo https://venmo.com/marabelleblue