Pictures are the copyright: Bravo Television
It has been quite the interesting year in reality television. And while I don’t watch all of the shows, I can tell you, there’s drama all across beyond what we see on television today.
Let’s talk about shows I don’t normally blog about.
Project Runway

Since the inception of this show, we enjoyed the advice Tim Gunn offered to up and coming designers. We heard the word designers quite often and favorited the catch phrase, “make it work”. When Project Runway moved to Lifetime, I will say it was probably the better seasons all around. Through those seasons, we got to know the late Chris March and Mychael Knight, along with Jeffrey Sebelia, Seth Aaron, Anya Ayoung-Chee and of course the new advisor, Christian Siriano. When Project Runway moved back to Bravo, Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn, chose not to come back.

With no host at the helm of this season (Karlie Kloss was supposed to make appearances but hasn’t as of yet), the line Heidi Klum made famous, “in fashion one day you’re in and the next day you’re out”, is now shared by the judges on the show.
Season 19 doesn’t fall short when it comes to drama in the workroom and outside of the workroom. Whether shopping at Mood for fabric, losing fabric or fighting over sewing machines, one of the most unexpected things happened this season, on the way back from mood a scaffolding fell into their van and glass shattered all over Anna, who thankfully, was fine after the incident.
In all of the season, the tears don’t stop when the pressure becomes too great and the designers are questioning can they stick this out or should they quit while they’re ahead.

Bones, one of the designers who lacks friendliness, didn’t make a great first impression when he basically told Christian to “fuck off” (not in those words of course), when Christian offered advice on his first design.
And while Bones isn’t the greatest designer, he’s managed to stay on the show so far, even with designs over the top or overdone. In episode 7, Bones was paired up with Aaron Michael to create an Avant Garde look for this challenge.
Aaron had become obsessed with trying to get a large circular faux piece to stay up behind the model’s head as part of the dress he was making. Bones offered to insert wood sticks inside the fabric to keep the circular part from falling over and Aaron was having none of it. Bones, who mentioned he studied engineering, was trying to explain to Aaron how to insert them without seeing them and not compromise his design, only took Aaron to another level of anger. Needless to say, the argument escalated when the designers took a break from the workroom later that evening. Instead of enjoying drinks and each other’s company, Aaron started another argument with Bones about the design.

The next day Bones addressed Aaron about the exchange of words and told Aaron, in the future if Aaron had anything to say, just come straight up instead of having arguments with him. Even though they didn’t win the challenge, it was one of the judge’s favorite looks. So maybe the argument did pay off.
It was clear from the beginning, although not happy being paired up, they both intensely and equally cared about the design they were sending down that runway. I have seen designers have weeks in a row of staying safe or even winning a challenge and it will be that one day they just make something so awful the judges won’t even consider any flawless designs they made weeks prior.

Christian used his save on Shantall who was voted out by the judges due to a 40-pound coat she made when paired up with Kristina for the Avant Garde challenge. Kristina, luckily had immunity from last week’s challenge. Not only did she win, but she also won $25,000 to split with the small business designers they were paired with to make a compliment accessory to their wardrobe. A perfect example of how a few weeks of okay designs and then a send a disaster down the runway.

The idea of the design was Kristina making a quilted style dress representing some sort of flower and the 40-pound coat Shantell made was supposed to be the cocoon. It was not a good design at all. And why would anyone in their right mind where something so heavy they can’t walk in it. It’s always funny when Nina Garcia tells them how lucky they have immunity or they would have gone home. I know she meant that shit.
Octavio was paired up with Katie Kortman, who seems to design more for the Ringling Brothers circus clowns as oppose to everyday people. As much as we all love a challenge, for the designers, working in teams or paired with a partner is never their strong suit. Octavio, who’s clearly not a fan of Katie’s designs took control of Katie’s work and began eliminating everything she was putting on her dress. To a point, while Octavio was eliminating her design style, he was creating a large ruffled jacket Johnny Weir would get lost in and Tara Lipinski wouldn’t be seen on camera commentating about the event. They would probably hear her voice, but that would be it.
Now while I personally don’t have a taste for Katie Kortmans designs, I think what Octavio did was fucked up. Instead of working with Katie, he shot down every idea she had, while his ruffle jacket became bigger than any hat he’s worn for the runway shows. And Katie, who doesn’t like confrontations, just allowed Octavio to have his way, making one of the worst pairings and designs on this episode.
Katie ended up getting kicked off on the, “Fashion is Back”, episode 6, after that hideous dress she sent down the runway. I think they should bring Darren back because he never really got a chance to showcase his designs. I personally think he made better stuff than she did, but again, my own personal opinion.
Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles

I’m not sure what’s going on with this show. Personally, I love the real estate series on Bravo. What I’m disappointed with the transition of Fredrik from New York to LA. It seems whatever he does, it’s either “hurting” someone’s feelings or someone feels attacked by Fredrik’s actions.

Take for example Tracy. Apparently, she took a text Fredrik’s send personal when he stepped back from a client suggesting he use Tracey instead. Tracy mistook his text like he was doing her a favor. When she confronted Fredrik, she started crying. Apparently in the world of business, men always seem to try and intimidate her and she doesn’t want to stand there in having to prove herself every time.
Yes Tracy, as every woman who’s a business owner gets it. No matter what level of business you’re in, there’s always going to be some dude talking shit about how he can do it better. And for her to assume Fredrik was looking down to her and suggesting, “here’s the next best thing since you can’t have me”, she was just dead wrong. Take those insecure feelings and do better.
Josh and his brother Matt purchased a 5-million-dollar house and also worked out a separate deal for some of the furnishes in the house. What an emotional moment to see Matt and Josh give the keys to their parents letting them know they have a home in LA anytime they want to see their grandchildren. I was very moved seeing this moment play out.
Josh Flagg, the flamboyant real estate mogul with a celebrity collection of clients, took to Tracy when she temporarily moved next door to him. With Josh letting himself it at any given moment, Tracy asked Josh to find her, her dream home. And while he did, her offer for 8.2 million wasn’t the number Josh wanted to bring to the buyer because it was too low. As a result, Tracy changed the code to her house and locked Josh out until he brought her a counter. Josh knew she was in love with the house, even during the showing, her straight demeanor wasn’t fooling Flagg. During her interview talking about Flagg and possibly losing the house, he interrupted them and gave her the keys to her new home, commission free. Talk about another emotional moment for the Million Dollar listing agents.

And in keeping with the topic of “commission free”, Josh Flagg was commissioned by the famous “Thigh Master” mistress and “Three’s Company”, fan favorite, Suzanne Somers and her husband, Alan, to sell their Palm Springs home(s).
Believe me when I tell you, if I had the money, I would have purchased it no doubt. Anything to get away from the public, these are the perfect homes for anyone who may have multiple family members who like to be in close proximity but have their own space. Due to the “outdated” look, many realtors who cased out the piece of property, still felt the price was too high, (from 30 million to 8 million), apparently whoever may have complained about the price, went behind Josh to avoid the commission and made a direct offer to Suzanne and her husband. Needless to say, instead of Josh getting the full commission, he shared half with Suzanne and Alan, therefore closing that deal.
Tidbits on this year shows:
Real Housewives of New Jersey, Teresa got engaged with her boyfriend Luis Ruelas, apparently popping the question on October 19 in Greece. Comments on Twitter weren’t so favorable finding Luis a rather strange person and isn’t a good pairing for Teresa.
Porsha Williams, “spinoff” of “Porsha’s Family Matters” is something I have yet to watch in its entirety. Some articles I read claim this show is to explain her relationship with Simon Guobadia, who allegedly got involved with Porsha in the midst of getting a divorce from Falynn Guobadia, which Porsha explains from the beginning why the events took place the way they did.
I don’t know about you, but I will say this, people have met in the weirdest of circumstances and have found ever lasting love, despite of the “kosherness” of the relationship. So I will definitely have more to say on this. Stay tuned.
Lisa Rinna has been experiencing her own lawsuits. She’s being sued by Backgrid USA for allegedly using their photos and not complying with photographer’s copyright. I’m not going to get into a long-winded legal thing, however, if this is something that interests you, follow Ronald Richards on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/RonaldRichards
A show that I may need to start watching, Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, Jen Shah, one of the cast of “characters” is being charged with telemarketing fraud scheme. Now of course I definitely have to read the details on this, but here’s a quote from the Department of Justice website. I’ve included the link in the event you’d like to read more on this: : https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/reality-show-cast-members-charged-running-nationwide-telemarketing-fraud-scheme
“According to the allegations in the Superseding Indictment[1]:
From 2012 until March 2021, JENNIFER SHAH and STUART SMITH, together with others (collectively, the “Participants”) carried out a wide-ranging telemarketing scheme that defrauded hundreds of victims (the “Victims”) throughout the United States, many of whom were over age 55, by selling those Victims so-called “business services” in connection with the Victims’ purported online businesses (the “Business Opportunity Scheme”).”
Never ceases to amaze me how long people can get away with shit, before they get found out. But what’s even more sad is how people will buy into bullshit and never support the people who are honest in their line of business.
Dorit is still suffering the ramifications of the home invasion she experienced and I have to say I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t want to live in that house after that. Watching Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles, I just wonder how people can live in these glass type houses with such little privacy unless they have cameras and sensors all over their property where lights and sirens would go off as soon as a trespasser approaches.
Of course, that would pose another problem with neighbors. I’m not sure of the style of Dorit’s home, the question begs, are most of these television personalities putting themselves at risk by opening up their homes, having cameras all over, exposing possible locations? Maybe Bravo producers may need to rethink or most of the cast members will need an armed guard at their doors 24/7.

And nothing can be complete without an “honorable” mention of Erika Girardi. Apparently, Erika is launching a hair extension line. Nothing original. Site is up but no products listed yet. Looks like they are making a collection of emails to let everyone know when the products have been posted.
In addition, word on the street is Erika is relaunching her pop career. In another article posted, the question was, where was she going to get the money to do this. I’m glad someone thinks along the same lines I do, since I have mentioned in my past videos Marabelle Blue Unfiltered Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season Finale #RHOBH - YouTube.
I always believed Erika funded all of these shows, being that most of these performances were held in locations I’m sure she had to pay to have events held there. In addition, I’ve been following attorney, Ronald Richards, who has been posting thorough documents detailing what is going on with the cases, between her, Tom Giardi and Girardi Keese. And while Erika may be looking for a new boyfriend to fund her next gig, I don’t know what man would want to take that risk. After all, it’s very expensive to be Erika.
Until then. Take care of you.